This post is Part #1 of the outline of “Module 8: Antenatal Care”. As this is a lengthy module so I decided to cover it in more than one post. This module can be organized well by dividing it into different sub-headings.
- If you have a look at details of this module on the RCOG website, it will be evident that we should prepare it systematically starting from the Pre-conception period, Routine Antenatal Care which includes booking visits, screenings, anomaly scans and follow-up visits till the time a woman goes into labour
- A pregnancy may start as low risk but could have a bad outcome. So, Main Aim of providing antenatal care is to prevent risk, identify if it becomes a high risk and manage it accordingly
- This module is a classic example that “none of the modules can be prepared in isolation” as we have to apply certain principles from other modules also
- All these topics need to be understood in depth
- Always have the full picture in mind and read carefully each & every word in the given question
- It is essential to develop critical thinking and apply it to a given scenario in order to reach the correct answer
- Following tables provide an outline of the module which might be helpful in collecting and organizing your study material